Thursday, February 23, 2017

Shameless promotion alert: TOG Media conglomerate uprising

OK, so those familiar with one of my all time fav t-shirt dealers of Redbubble should know I've partnered up with Loogyhead (he has a new name but all you need to know is that he's talented and can churn out the goods). We've got a few designs now for that spring weather coming up, so be a fashionite with our new Gates of Hell vomits up our logo design right here, Whattya gonna spend your money on anyhow more toilet seats? Get buying sos we can trek on down to the dispensary or the beer store and get more inebriated. Thanks for all the support sincerely Bartles and James. BUY OR DIE RIGHT HERE

for those not familiar here's loogys other redbubble shirt pages.

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