The Cannibal Man (La
semana del asesino)
Directed by Eloy de la Iglesia, starring Vicente Parra, Emma Cohen, Eusebio
Poncela, Charly Bravo (1973)
- Reviewed by Richard Glenn Schmidt
Tagline: “When the butcher goes berserk…”
The Cannibal Man
opens with slaughterhouse footage which is –oh, how can I put this- agonizing
to sit through. Onscreen animal violence is one of my least favorite things
from the world of 1970s cult cinema so I’ve been avoiding this film for many
years. However, I’m a meat eater and sometimes I’m not a total hypocrite, so
I’ll get off my high horse and give this film a pass on the animal killing. At
least I finally learned where hamburgers come from!
The film stars
Vicente Parra as Marcos, a lowly slaughterhouse worker at a meat processing
plant who vaguely masturbates in his free time while his rich gay neighbor
Néstor (Eusebio Poncela) living in a high rise apartment spies on him through
his skylight. The dizzyingly cute Emma Cohen plays Paula, Marcos’s girlfriend and
I suddenly don’t understand why this isn’t a sex comedy. Clearly, Marcos has no
problems until one night when he accidentally kills an uptight cab driver.
Bleccch, why didn't you floss after you scarfed that gyro? |
Paula tries to appeal
to his conscience but Marcos doesn’t want to go to the cops. He has a chip on
his shoulder a mile wide about being poor and he just knows the cops won’t
believe his story of self-defense. When she decides to break up with him over
the whole manslaughter situation, he strangles Paula to death and hides her
under the bed. Now he’s a criminal mastermind!
Marcos’s brother
Esteban (Charly Bravo) shows up and he confides in him about what he’s done.
Esteban wants him to go to the cops too? Thanks for having my back, brosef!
Instead of taking his sensible brotherly advice, Marcos bludgeons Esteban to
death with a wrench. Now his brother’s fiancée Carmen (Lola Herrera) shows up
and yep, you guessed it, he kills her too. At this point, I completely side
with Marcos. Buncha damn busybodies be makin’ shit hard on this totally
relatable dude!
how many licks does it take to get to the center? The world will never know! |
Now Néstor wants to
hang out with Marcos in the middle of the night so that he can awkwardly flirt
with the clueless duder. They go for a walk and end up at a café together. Néstor,
the walking thesaurus, keeps using highfalutin language that’s probably going
to get him killed. They get harassed by some cops but once they hear that
Néstor lives in the fancy high rise apartment, they change their tune and move
And this is different from our wedding night, how?! |
Now Carmen’s father
shows up wondering where his daughter is. He demands to see her and Esteban but
he ends up finding their corpses and the business end of Marcos’s meat cleaver
instead. Marcos gets the idea to start disposing of the bodies a piece at a
time by shoveling them into the meat processing machine at the slaughterhouse.
Because Marcos is so
sexy and so irresistible, Rosa (Vicky Lagos) the waitress at the local cafe
wants him pretty bad. She makes him breakfast and then “accidentally” spills
milk on his pants just so that she can help him rub one off- oops, I mean rub
it off. This chick is so horny that I’m surprised she didn’t burst into flames
during this scene. Now Néstor returns for some more homoerotic tension because
that should settle things right down. No wait, what’s this? Some
“nightswimming” with his gay pal actually makes Marcos smile! Ohhhhh!
Is that milk on your pants or are you just happy to see me? |
Thanks to a promotion
at work, Marcos gets harassed by his former coworkers in the street. Wait a
minute. He hasn’t killed anyone in like 20 minutes and these guys actually kind
of deserve to get slaughtered. What gives? Hilarity ensues at the café when
Rosa serves him soup made with meat from his work. Knowing that there’s a chance
that his former girlfriend he’s chopped up is likely in the broth, Marcos gets
a little green around the gills.
Later, Rosa comes
over and they get it on. Her post coital reverie is short lived because she
starts to suspect that Marcos has corpses rotting away in the tiny craphole he
calls home. So bashes her dang head in. It isn’t long before the stench is too
strong even for Marcos to put up with and he just sits pathetically outside his
place. Néstor comes to the rescue and invites the poor schlub back to his
back off bitch that's for my glaucoma! |
While speaking
metaphorically to Marcos, Néstor nearly gets himself killed. He survives by
dumb luck, having no idea just how much danger he’s in, and accidentally
convinces the guy to turn himself in to the police. The film ends how it began with
Néstor watching Marcos longingly through his binoculars while the police are
presumably on their way. My dreams of steamy gay lovemaking were never realized
but at least Néstor didn’t end up on the pile of bodies!
Whoops, I took the face loaf out before the ding |
This odd and
subversive little satire was disguised and marketed as a cannibal horror film
which is hardly surprising because films like this don’t just pop up out of
nowhere. Getting funding for something this strange is much easier when you can
push it on the drive-in crowd with some salacious advertising. Atlas
International Film, the distributors of The Cannibal Man, were responsible for bringing
the public such arthouse classics as Tombs of the Blind Dead and Mark of the
Devil. While director and writer Eloy de la Iglesia is about as subtle as a
hand grenade with the film’s themes, he definitely packs a lot of violence and
macabre thrills in to keep things from getting too pretentious. Co-screenwriter Antonio Fos is no
stranger to grimy, tense, paranoid, and very sweaty films. I highly recommend
you check out he and de la Iglesia’s other collaboration, The Glass Ceiling
An overhead shot
makes the modern setting of Madrid look eerily desolate like somewhere in
Egypt. Marcos’s dingy shack looks like it was made out of leftover parts and it’s
one of the few remaining shanties surrounded by nice new apartments that
someone earning his wages could never even dream of moving into. This disparity
of wealth distribution is just a small clue of the director’s intentions. The
horrors of modern life, class struggle, rampant homophobia, the Franco regime, and
probably even the meatpacking industry are all put on trial here.
It’s especially
telling when Néstor claims that he wants to help poor Marcos. Even though he
has literally no clue what’s really going on in his life, this upper class
dingbat wants to save the day. It’s also entirely possible that Néstor just
wants to get into Marcos’s pants but hey, what can you do? Talk about
exploiting the proletariat! But in the end, he’s back up in his tower looking
down on the little poor people below, ineffectual as always. Néstor is a
positive character despite all this (I mean, when he’s not scoping out young
boys playing soccer with his binoculars) in that his presence in Marcos’s life
causes a not at all vague homosexual awakening that ends the killing spree.
I’ve got something else you can put in your mouth. |
My only complaint
about The Cannibal Man is that it takes a little too long to wrap up. There’s a
montage of Marcos walking through the city streets that feels completely tacked
on. Other than that, I was really glad I finally got around to this film.
I love the English dubbing but based on
what I’ve seen of the original Spanish track, it takes some of the seriousness
off the proceedings. Exploitation maestro Dick Randall handled the dubbed
version and kinda botched it though I’ve seen much worse. The minimal and
haunting score by Fernando GarcÃa Morcillo (Night of the Sorcerers, The Witches
Mountain) is fucking fantastic. Whenever there’s about to be some creepy
badness, this weird backwards glockenspiel sound happens and it’s just
chilling. The music when Marcos and Néstor go swimming together is the most
effective piece in the film. It’s sweetly tragic melody makes me want to swim
with Néstor too!